[Cin] ffmpeg 6.1 is out!

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 20:35:54 CET 2023

It doesn't seem to be working:

export EXTRA_LIBS=-lglslang -lMachineIndependent -lOSDependent -lHLSL
-lGenericCodeGen -lSPVRemapper -lSPIRV -lSPIRV-Tools-opt -lSPIRV-Tools
-lpthread -lstdc++ -lm
bash: export: "-lMachineIndependent": not a valid identifier
bash: export: "-lOSDependent": not a valid identifier
bash: export: "-lHLSL": not a valid identifier
bash: export: "-lOGLCompiler": not a valid identifier
bash: -lGenericCodeGen: command not found

Anyway, don't waste any more time on it, it gets too complicated for
me and I can't follow anymore. Thank you, Andrew.

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