[Cin] Repair some TODO from latex source

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 23 02:44:51 CEST 2023

Any update is welcomed at any time.  I would just leave the table alone --
it works as is.  I checked this into GIT, but I reverted the table to how
it was in the previous Windows.tex because it was not aligned correctly in
the HTML version otherwise.  As far as I know, it has not been correctly
aligned in the pdf version but is close.  It is kind of weird that html but
not pdf works.   Also, I think the example of "around" was correct before
your change but I am too lazy to test it out so left that change in.  I.e.
I think "around" goes + and -.  Example line is:

> Or      &Time&  Around&2018/08/02 06:00:00 + 02:00:00  & files at 6AM to 8
> AM

Everyone else:
100% factual: Rafa Mar just no longer had any spare time to work on CinGG
and none of us were the cause of him leaving.

> After carefully studying Rafa Mar's tutorial (I am very sorry, because he
> left after I had angered him!)

On Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 2:00 AM Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com>

> Phyllis, I apologize but I still propose an update in windows.tex
> regarding UserBins.
> After carefully studying Rafa Mar's tutorial (I am very sorry, because
> he left after I had angered him!) I think the section needs more
> clarification. I have added a new section with an introduction on how
> media management works in Modify Folder. See if that works for you. I
> also add this new section in txt format for those who want to read and
> improve it.
> Regarding the third TODO I simply removed it leaving the list
> unchanged. I wouldn't know how to make the table and anyway, in my
> opinion, it would be less clear than how it is written now. If you
> have ideas on how to make it into a good table, please let me know.
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