[Cin] ffmpeg 7.0 api changes

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 20:28:28 CEST 2024

Compilation with all the patches went well. I loaded a m2ts file with
many audio channels and tried (from root) to do a BD render. I left
all settings at default. At the end of the render I got a crash (no
In the terminal I have these lines:

FFMPEG::open_decoder: some stream times estimated:
Render::render_single: Session finished.
** rendered 1033 frames in 14.711 secs, 70.220 fps
++ dirname /home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044/bd.sh
+ sdir=/home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044
++ cd /home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044
++ pwd
+ dir=/home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044
+ PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/opt/rocm/bin:/home/paz/cinelerra5/cinelerra-5.1/bin
+ mkdir -p /home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044/udfs
++ du -cb /home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044/bd.m2ts
++ tail -1
++ sed -e 's/[  ].*//'
+ sz=53477376
+ blks=30208
+ rm -f /home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044/bd.udfs
+ '[' -f /home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044/bd.meta ']'
+ mkudffs -b 2048 /home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044/bd.udfs 30208
start=0, blocks=16, type=ERASE
start=16, blocks=4, type=VRS
start=20, blocks=76, type=ERASE
start=96, blocks=16, type=MVDS
start=112, blocks=16, type=ERASE
start=128, blocks=4, type=LVID
start=132, blocks=124, type=ERASE
start=256, blocks=1, type=ANCHOR
start=257, blocks=29688, type=PSPACE
start=29945, blocks=6, type=ERASE
start=29951, blocks=1, type=ANCHOR
start=29952, blocks=96, type=ERASE
start=30048, blocks=16, type=RVDS
start=30064, blocks=143, type=ERASE
start=30207, blocks=1, type=ANCHOR
+ mount -t udf -o loop /home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044/bd.udfs
+ bdwrite /home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044/udfs
+ umount /home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044/udfs
+ echo To burn bluray, load writable media and run:
To burn bluray, load writable media and run:
+ echo for WORM: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z
for WORM: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z
+ echo for RW: dd if=/home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044/bd.udfs
of=/dev/bd bs=2048000
for RW: dd if=/home/paz/test/bd_20240407-202044/bd.udfs of=/dev/bd bs=2048000
+ kill 197321

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