[Cin] ChromaKey's old bug

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Thu Apr 18 09:25:30 CEST 2024

I have done a photomontage for the Chromakey_HSV. I add here two PNGs: 
the original and my photomontage.
I know that the plugin window is much bigger for the second one, but We 
could see the values of the sliders at the first glance, I think.


Il 14/04/2024 11:23, Igor BEGHETTO via Cin ha scritto:
> In add, for the GUI, I would like to have the Text Box and the Clear 
> button for each slider. It would be useful. So We can see the value, 
> immediatly. But the plugin window would be much larger, I think.
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