[Cin] ffmpeg 7.0 soon to be released

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Thu Apr 25 10:15:59 CEST 2024

Thanks Andrew_R and Andrea_paz for your efforts about the issue.
For the render problem with FFMPEG webm.webm (Audio: webm|vorbis; Video: 
vp9_1920x1080_24or25or30fps.webm ), I have done some tests with 
different versions of Cinelerra-GG. In my Hard Disk the oldest CinGG 
version that I have, after CinGG_20201031, is CinGG_20211231. It seems 
that my render problem for the scratches in the Audio is started from 
CinGG_20211231 for UbuntuStudio_16.04. The CinGG_20201031 works good.
But, if I use the render Preset FFMPEG webm.webm, Audio= opus, Video= 
vp9_1920x1080_24or25or30fps.webm, the audio in the render file is good, 
no more scratches.
Than, the issue is not only FFmpeg_7.0, I think.
I don't know if it can help.


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