[Cin] New release AppImages with all having x265 10/12 bit encode

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Tue Aug 6 09:47:32 CEST 2024

Might it be enough to write in the Manual on the ChromaKey (Avid) Video 
Effect, inside its footnotes, the sentence: "Avid is a trademark by Avid 
Technology, Inc."?
Or something similar?
I don't know.

Il 05/08/2024 19:21, Phyllis Smith ha scritto:
>     I was wondering,... can We use the word "Avid" in a plugin or
>     other part
>     of the software?
>     Avid is a trademark.
> It probably could have been named ChromakeySpectramatte which is too 
> long.  But naming it ChromakeyAvid as one word should be OK?  I do not 
> know for sure.  Alternatively, we can just replace ChromakeyHSV with 
> ChromakeyAvid which then breaks old projects AND new projects who 
> started to use it as ChromkeyAvid.
> //
> /quote from the internet: Spectramatte/ is a fairly decent keyer but 
> is showing it's age, as /Avid/ haven't really updated it since it was 
> introduced over a decade ago.

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