[Cin] Multicam video output?

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Sun Dec 15 22:52:25 CET 2024

Interesting idea. You could open an issue in MantisBT, so that the request
Is not Lost.

Il dom 15 dic 2024, 21:50 Stefan de Konink via Cin <
cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> ha scritto:

> Given all the performane issues involved with multi track editing in
> Cinelerra, where every track is effectively rendered anyway. Is there
> any existing option to get a video track output into a separate viewer /
> compositor? Read: give me a window that only shows what is on this track.
> I am aware that
> <
> https://cinelerra-gg.org/download/CinelerraGG_Manual/Multi_Camera_Mixer.html>
> exists, but I am actually looking for just 'the track output' and not
> resource based interaction involved with mixers.
> Furthermore it might be a nice addition to get the multiview mode that
> OBS has to direct the program or multiview to a separate screen.
> --
> Stefan
> --
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> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
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