[Cin] removing letter boxing while preserving aspect

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 3 20:18:10 CET 2024

The only way I have tested to do this will cut off the right and left sides
some and I do not know a way around that. IgorBeg may have a better
solution.  My example had no content on the sides:

1) load your 4:3 video with the bands
2) drag the "Crop & Position" plugin to the video track and bring up its
"Show controls" popup menu
3) adjust the "Top" and "Bottom" sliders to crop the bands at the top and
4) now switch the Settings->Format to 3:2

On Sun, Mar 3, 2024 at 6:40 AM Rob Prowel via Cin <
cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:

> I have 3:2 content that is saved in a 4:3 frame with black bands at the
> top and bottom.
> I want to remove the banding such that the output is a 3:2 resolution
> I've tried playing with the crop filter but the black bands remain, and
> the camera automation can remove the banding by zooming in, but then the
> left and right image sides get cropped out of the output.
> Is there a tutorial for this exact scenario?
> --
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> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
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