[Cin] The best strategy to render yuv (mpeg, limited range) from yuvj (jpeg, full range)?

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 20:52:35 CEST 2024

Are you using Xorg or Wayland? One possible source of problems could
be Wayland still not handling colors.

Another possible test is to use rec 2020ncl (with RGB-FLOAT and 10-bit
color depth) instead of rec709 or 601, because it is definitely with
wide gamut colors (But the color range is still limited; from 64 to

True that the color range of bt 709 is “limited”; from wikipedia:

"Rec. 709 defines an R’G’B’ encoding and a Y’CBCR encoding, each with
either 8 bits or 10 bits per sample in each color channel. In the
8-bit encoding the R’, B’, G’, and Y’ channels have a nominal range of
[16..235], and the CB and CR channels have a nominal range of
[16..240] with 128 as the neutral value. So in limited range R’G’B’
reference black is (16, 16, 16) and reference white is (235, 235,
235), and in Y’CBCR reference black is (16, 128, 128) and reference
white is (235, 128, 128). Values outside the nominal ranges are
allowed, but typically they would be clamped for broadcast or for
display (except for Superwhite and xvYCC). Values 0 and 255 are
reserved as timing references (SAV and EAV), and may not contain color
data (for 8 bits, for 10 bits more values are reserved and for 12 bits
even more, no values are reserved in files or RGB mode or full range
YCbCr digital modes like sYCC or opYCC). Rec. 709's 10-bit encoding
uses nominal values four times those of the 8-bit encoding, to ease
the conversion it uses simple padding for reference values, for
example 240 is just padded by two trailing zeroes and gives 960 for 10
bit maximum chroma.[22] Rec. 709's nominal ranges are the same as
those defined in ITU Rec. 601.[23]"

User DeJay did tests that are shown here at the bottom of the page:

PS: I would like to ask how long moderation lasts for a new user. It
is now more than a week (with 7 posts) that Tarantas has been

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