[Cin] Building Cingg from git using system FFmpeg and libs (Slowroll)

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 24 02:43:09 CEST 2024

They are not really automatically blacklisted in the plugin.opts file.
However, in $HOME/.bcast5, there is a file called Cinelerra_plugins that
contains all of the working plugins from the first time you execute CinGG
after a new build.  So every time you re-compile or if you delete
$HOME/.bcast5, or use CinGG as a different user you will get the error
messages on that first execution.  Again, it is not a problem UNTIL you get
a new ffmpeg that creates an irrecoverable error and then CinGG will not
even start.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 4:32 PM Terje J. Hanssen <terjejhanssen at gmail.com>

> Den 23.09.2024 20:45, skrev Phyllis Smith:
> Terje, to fix the below plugin errors, you will have to modify
> cinelerra-5.1/ffmpeg/plugin.opts for your specific ffmpeg version since it
> will be different from everyone else when using your O/S version.  Since
> you have successfully completed the build, you can just modify
> cinelerra-5.1/bin/ffmpeg/plugin.opts instead.  This file is a blacklist and
> it is self-explanatory when you look at the last few lines of the file.
> Just add # lines for each of the error plugins.  For example, add: #lv2
> and #sofalizer, etc.
> I am just wondering if they are automatic "blacklisted", because the
> errors appear only when a root or normal user startup cingg for the first
> time(?)
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