[Cin] User Defined Blend Algebra
igorbeg at visi1.org
Thu Feb 13 11:11:50 CET 2025
I haven't tried it yet, but You did an HUGE Work! And thing really and
very important, with the User Manual!
Thank you Georgy!
Il 13/02/2025 10:42, Georgy Salnikov via Cin ha scritto:
> Dear CinGG users,
> Does anybody want to taste something brand new and unusual? Here is the
> patch attached:
> cgg-blendalgebra.diff.gz
> Apply this patch and rebuild CinGG. The only change is the addition of two
> completely new video effects, Blend Algebra and Blend Program. The main
> CinGG code is not affected, so applying the patch is harmless and cannot
> break anything.
> After applying the patch, and before executing `make', check that the new
> created scripts plugins/blendalgebra/BlendAlgebraCompile.pl and
> plugins/blendprogram/BlendProgramCompile.pl possess executable permissions.
> After successful `make', don't forget to run `make install': without several
> important files which must be installed, the new plugins cannot work.
> Motivation
> ==========
> Sometimes there appear again questions / complains regarding overlay
> blending in Cinelerra, that something appears strange, or not exactly that
> way as in Gimp (or in whatever), or not in that art the user needs.
> Fighting such windmills does not seem worth while.
> The idea here is to create a new specific plugin where the user could
> program sufficiently short and simple blending algorithms according to his
> requirements. And of course, without demanding from the user too much
> programming skills.
> Firstly I'd like to make a short introduction, a small demo what one can do
> with the new features. The shortest demo projects are attached here, for
> several longer ones I'll give the links to download them.
> This development is already posted to CinGG bugtracker as BT670:
> https://www.cinelerra-gg.org/bugtracker/view.php?id=670
> To look on the following example functions, there is 'Edit...' button in the
> respective plugin dialog, but you may need a text editor. By default, it is
> `emacs', and nothing has to be done if it is installed. If not, you can set
> your favorite editor via the corresponding environment variable, like those:
> export CIN_EDITOR=kate
> export CIN_EDITOR=nedit
> export CIN_EDITOR='konsole -e vim'
> If text editor is a console editor without its own GUI, it must be run from
> some terminal emulator, like `xterm' or `konsole'.
> To open editor from the plugin dialog, some function must be active at that
> timeline position (its name in text field not empty). Currently, pressing
> the 'Edit...' button on the empty function does nothing. Either select some
> existing function first, or enter a name to create a new one from scratch.
> Example 1.
> ----------
> See ovl2.tar.gz in the attachment
> Let's say, we are going to write our own implementation of the Arithmetic
> Subtract overlay function, according to the formula from CinelerraGG manual.
> Such a function, attached to the Blend Algebra plugin, could look as
> follows.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> BLEND_ALGEBRA_INIT /* this is a required statement */
> COLORSPACE_RGB /* our working color space, can be also YUV or HSV */
> PARALLEL_SAFE /* can be safely parallelized */
> REQUIRE_TRACKS(2) /* refuse to work if only one track is given */
> BLEND_ALGEBRA_PROC /* this is a required statement */
> #define s 1 /* mnemonics for source and destination */
> #define d 0
> R_OUT = R(s) - R(d); /* for red, green, blue, alpha: */
> G_OUT = G(s) - G(d); /* result = source - destination */
> B_OUT = B(s) - B(d);
> A_OUT = A(s) - A(d);
> BLEND_ALGEBRA_END /* this marks the end of our program */
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> And here is an Arithmetic Addition variant, working on any number of tracks.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> int i;
> R_OUT = G_OUT = B_OUT = A_OUT = 0; /* preinitialize results */
> for (i=0; i<TOTAL_TRACKS; i++) /* repeat for all tracks */
> {
> R_OUT += R(i); /* accumulate sum for R,G,B,A */
> G_OUT += G(i);
> B_OUT += B(i);
> A_OUT += A(i);
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Blend Algebra functions are keyframable, i.e. switchable between plugin
> keyframes. Untar the ovl2.tar.gz archive from the attachment, load the
> ovl2.xml project and play it. You can see 30 different functions switched
> one after another. The source files of the functions have the suffix '.ba'.
> Example 2.
> ----------
> Let's look on the following short Blend Algebra function:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Y_OUT = (Y(0)-Y(1))/2+0.5;
> U_OUT = V_OUT = 0;
> A_OUT = 1;
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> What do you think this is? It is nothing else as the famous `ydiff'
> program, written in less than 10 lines of code and working not externally,
> but directly inside a Cinelerra plugin. Although this is not yet so
> complete, the standard ydiff program has an argument to enhance or reduce
> the difference effect, but we can easily add it here, too:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Y_OUT = (Y(0)-Y(1))/2*exp((KEY_A-0.5)*14*M_LN2)+0.5;
> U_OUT = V_OUT = 0;
> A_OUT = 1;
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Here we changed only the expression for Y, adding a factor which depends on
> the KEY_A parameter in logarithmic scale. The KEY_A parameter itself is
> interactively controlled by the opacity slider in the Blend Algebra plugin
> dialog.
> Good, the ydiff program additionally prints some statistics. This printout
> can also be implemented by us, although the program becomes slightly more
> complex:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> static int npix=0; /* these variables will accumulate statistics */
> static float sum=0, sabs=0; /* parallelizing not possible here */
> printf ("sz=%8d err=%10g abs=%10g", npix, sum, sabs);
> if (npix> 0) printf (" rel=%10g", sabs*256/npix);
> printf ("\n"); /* here we print statistics in CGG console */
> sum = sabs = 0; /* and clear accumulators for the next frame */
> npix = 0;
> float diff;
> diff = Y(0)-Y(1);
> sum += diff; /* update accumulators */
> sabs += ABS (diff);
> npix ++;
> Y_OUT = (Y(0)-Y(1))/2*exp((KEY_A-0.5)*14*M_LN2)+0.5;
> U_OUT = V_OUT = 0; /* and make video track output */
> A_OUT = 1;
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The statistics is printed in the terminal emulator from which Cinelerra was
> started.
> You can look in the ydiff.tar.gz archive. In the project ydiff.xml there
> are two identical tracks displaced by 1 frame. The ydiff.ba function from
> the archive has the commented out line #define NO_PRINTOUT. It works slowly
> because of statistics printout. If you uncomment this definition,
> statistics will be switched off, the function will run parallelized,
> noticeably faster.
> The ydiff.tar.gz archive with this demo can be downloaded from CGG
> bugtracker (2.5 Mb):
> https://www.cinelerra-gg.org/bugtracker/file_download.php?file_id=995&type=bug
> Example 3.
> ----------
> Untar the example archive transitions.tar.gz and load the project
> transitions.xml. It demonstrates how transition-like effects can be
> imitated by a Blend Algebra function. Here, depending on the current value
> of the opacity slider from plugin's dialog, interpolated between keyframes,
> and the (X,Y) pixel coordinates, the function takes pixels from either track
> #0 or track #1.
> The transitions.tar.gz archive with this demo can be downloaded from CGG
> bugtracker (2.5 Mb):
> https://www.cinelerra-gg.org/bugtracker/file_download.php?file_id=996&type=bug
> Example 4.
> ----------
> Untar the archive swap.tar.gz and load the project swap.xml. Now there is
> another companion plugin, Blend Program, with its function swap01.bp (ending
> with the .bp suffix). This example resembles the preceding one which
> imitated transition. The main difference here is that blend program does
> not return a function result, but modifies any given tracks directly. The
> program from this example swaps two tracks, along a transition controlled by
> keyframable interpolated opacity parameter. To see the effect, the bottom
> track is up-down reflected, and the top one has a mask applied, through
> which one can see that the bottom track is also being changed.
> The swap.tar.gz archive with this demo can be downloaded from CGG bugtracker
> (2.5 Mb):
> https://www.cinelerra-gg.org/bugtracker/file_download.php?file_id=997&type=bug
> Example 5.
> ----------
> The preceding example was perhaps somehow artificial demo, not too close to
> reality. Let's now suggest another application which could be really
> useful. Untar the ck.tar.gz example from the attachment and load firstly
> the project ck.xml.
> There is a still picture and a second track with solid white background on
> bottom. The blend function attached is:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> if (ABS(H(0)-KEY_H)< KEY_A*100) A(0) *= SQR((H(0)-KEY_H)/KEY_A/100);
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It is a rather complete chromakey plugin, writable by user in only six lines
> of code! Isn't it cool! With these two new small plugins one can do really
> much! I do not know if a similar functionality exists in any other NLE.
> Here if the 'Hue' component (in HSV color space) differs from that of the
> key color defined in the plugin dialog less than by the amount scaled by the
> opacity slider, the aplha component (the transparency) is set proportional
> to the squared difference (completely transparent where the two Hues are
> identical). You can open plugin dialog and turn the slider in it to the
> left and right and see its effect.
> Now load another project from here, ckbg.xml. Now there is only one track
> with the same picture. Instead of the second one which contained the
> background, there is one more Blend Program plugin attached, its function
> generating the desired background by itlesf. The background color is set
> via the color selection dialog of that second Blend Program plugin GUI.
> ========================================================================
> Those who have realized that are not interested in the new features at all,
> can stop reading here. Who has some interest to try, welcome to read the
> more detailed README.blendalg description from attachment. As a starting
> tutorial one could, for example, take some of the overlay functions, modify
> it to calculate according some other formula and look what changes. Or take
> the 'background' blend program and implement some dependency on PIX_X and/or
> PIX_Y to convert solid background to a gradient.
> If some details in the description attached look too difficult to
> understand, don't bother, skip unclear sections - perhaps everything will
> work fine also without reading them.
> _______________________________________________________________________________
> Georgy Salnikov
> NMR Group
> Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry
> Lavrentjeva, 9, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
> Phone +7-383-3307864
> Email sge at nmr.nioch.nsc.ru
> _______________________________________________________________________________
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