[Cin] In theory there might be some help ....

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 01:12:14 CET 2025

I was excited to see this but after looking at the website all over the
place, it looks like you have to either register for the upcoming hackathon
or to take classes.  It does not look like it will work for us.  But if
anyone sees something similar to this, I am highly interested and could
work with an interested person and could even provide a small amount of
money via paypal.  I tried to do this locally once but the person just took
the money and did not even report progress.

On Wed, Jan 15, 2025 at 11:11 PM Andrew Randrianasulu <
randrianasulu at gmail.com> wrote:

> https://www.osnews.com/story/141556/offer-volunteer-labor-for-your-open-source-project/
> ====
> OSNews Sponsor OS-SCi <https://os-sci.com> is educating the next
> generation FOSS engineers, and as part of their coursework, they’re looking
> for worthy open source projects to which they can contribute their time and
> effort. In addition to the work they provide during their studies, these
> volunteers will be encouraged to continue to be involved after they finish
> their courses and proceed into the workforce. If you are involved in an
> open source project and would like some help, please register here
> <https://os-sci.com/partner-organisations>.
> ==== end of quotation ======
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