<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small">There is a modified Shortcuts AppImage version for testing on 64-bit O/S which is set up to be more in sync with what is considered to be "Standard" shortcuts for NLEs.. IgorB uses these and prepared a listing of the alternatives as shown below. If there are users who test these and prefer the more Standard ones, I can create an AppImage at the same time as what is released. It is currently at:</div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small"><br></div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small"><a href="https://cinelerra-gg.org/download/testing/modified_shortcuts.AppImage">https://cinelerra-gg.org/download/testing/modified_shortcuts.AppImage</a></div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small"><br></div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small">---------------------<br></div><div><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small">C</span>hanged
shortcuts to Standard Shortcuts<span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small"> - </span> only English version <span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small">for </span>the caption/hint<span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small"></span>s.<span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small"> T</span>he texts in the menu and the captions of the
icons, written with the '-' character between the Special key and
the key, for example "Shift-s", have been replaced by the '+'
character. And the letters are always in capital letters although
Shift is not pressed. <span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small">Many, if not all the other NLE </span><span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small"></span><span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small">p</span>rograms use this notation.<span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small"> </span>
Some shortcuts like "BD Render... (Ctrl+Shift+d)" and "DVD
Render... (Alt+d) have been deleted because they are not used
frequently<span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small">.</span></font></div><div><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small"></span></font><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><br>
<span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small">T</span>hese shortcuts are very useful because the keys more frequently used have
priority in editing: <span class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small">one</span> hand (left) on the keyboard and the other
hand (right) on the mouse.<br></font><tt><br>
Changing some shortcuts to a NLE's standard shortcuts.<br>
For example: J - K - L (Play Normal reverse - Stop- Play Normal
if pressed twice J (or L), its Play Fast
or Normal. <br>
I - O (InPoint - OutPoint)<br>
A - S (Jump backwards next cut - Jump forwards next
If an shortcut on After column has a '+' symbol (for example: +
it means that it is added to the old shortcut/s on Before column<br>
and also that that shortcut has been take from an old shortcut (of
course), <br>
which it has another key.<br>
Description | Shortcut<br>
| Before | After<br>
-To clip | 'i' | Ctrl+I<br>
-Scroll window timeline... left | LeftArrow, ',' | LeftArrow<br>
-Scroll window timeline... right | RightArrow, '. | RightArrow<br>
-Label | 'l' | '''
(single quote)<br>
-Go to | 'g' | Ctrl+G<br>
-Generate keyframes... tweeking | 'j' | 'G'<br>
-Jump forward... next Keyframes | 'k' |
Shift+Right Arrow<br>
-Jump backwards... next Keyframes | Shift+K | Shift+Left
-New Project... | 'n' | Ctrl+N<br>
-Load files... | 'o' | Ctrl+O<br>
-Save | 's' | Ctrl+S<br>
-Save as... | Shift+S |
-Save Session | Ctrl+S | (null)<br>
-Select-> All | 'a' | Ctrl+A<br>
-Deselect All | 'a' or null |
-Select Edits | Ctrl+Alt+' | Ctrl+Alt+A<br>
-Undo | 'z', Ctrl+Z | Ctrl+Z<br>
-Redo | Shift+Z | Shift+Z<br>
-InPoint | '[', '<' | + 'I'<br>
-OutPoint | ']', '>' | + 'O'<br>
-Play Normal reverse | NumKP 6, Alt+O | + 'J'
-Play Stop | NumKP 0, Alt+M | + 'K'<br>
-Play Normal forward | NumKP 3, Alt+L | + 'L'
-Jump backwards to the next cut | Alt+LeftArrow | + 'A'<br>
-Jump forwards to the next cut | Alt+RightArrow | + 'S'<br>
-One Frame back | NumKP 4, Alt+U | + ','
-One Frame forward | NumKP 1, Alt+J | + '.'
| |<br>
-Load window: Select All files | Ctrl+A | Ctrl+A<br>
-Load window: Deselect All files | Ctrl+Z |
-BD Render... | Ctrl+Shift+d | (null)<br>
-DVD Render... | Alt+d | (null)<br>
-Delete last track | 'd'->Ctrl+D | Ctrl+D<br>
-Quit | 'q' | Ctrl+Q <br>
-Settings-> Save settings now | Ctrl+Shift+S | Shift+S<br>
-Settings-> Align cursor on frames| Ctrl+A | Ctrl+F<br>
To summarize the jumps backwards and forward:<br>
-Jump backwards to the next cut | Alt+LeftArrow, 'A'<br>
-Jump forwards to the next cut | Alt+RightArrow, 'S'<br>
-Jump backwards to the next label | Ctrl+LeftArrow<br>
-Jump selecting forward label | Ctrl+Shift+RightArrow<br>
-Jump selecting backwards label | Ctrl+Shift+LeftArrow<br>
-Jump forwards to the next label | Ctrl+RightArrow<br>
-Jump backwards... next Keyframes | Shift+LeftArrow<br>
-Jump forward... next Keyframes | Shift+RightArrow<br>
-Jump backwards to the next Autos | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+LeftArrow (only works on UbuntuStudio)<br>
-Jump forward to the next Autos | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+RightArrow (only works on UbuntuStudio)<br>
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