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<tt>I am making a Cin_20240630 build by myself for the OS
I read in the MailingLists thanks to Phyllis and Andrew_R, I need
to use specific instruction.<br>
My usual steps were:<br>
1) cd to "cinelerra-5.1" directory<br>
2) make clean<br>
3) ./autogen.sh<br>
4) ./configure --with-single-user --without-shuttle-usb \<br>
--without-vaapi --without-vdpau \<br>
--disable-dav1d \<br>
5) make 2>&1 | tee log<br>
6) grep "\*\*\*.*error" -ai log<br>
( Check for obvious build errors )<br>
7) make install<br>
From What I understand, with Cin_20240630 the steps are:<br>
1) cd to "cinelerra-5.1" directory<br>
2) make clean<br>
3) export FFMPEG_EXTRA_CFG="--disable-decoder=vvc"<br>
( before running autogen.sh / configure / make )<br>
4) patch -p1 < alt_shortcuts.patch<br>
( to use standard shortcuts )<br>
5) ./autogen.sh<br>
6) ./configure --with-single-user --without-shuttle-usb \<br>
--without-vaapi --without-vdpau \<br>
--disable-dav1d \<br>
( "--enable-libaom=no" added, without double quote )<br>
7) make 2>&1 | tee log<br>
8) grep "\*\*\*.*error" -ai log<br>
( Check for obvious build errors )<br>
9) make install<br>
I am ignorant in Linux, so I would like to understand if the
<b>export FFMPEG_EXTRA_CFG="--disable-decoder=vvc"</b><br>
write something in somewhere or not.<br>
Because my Operating System is UbuntuStudio_16.04, is there a way
to build Cinelerra-GG using an old FFMPEG and/or libaom?<br>
Could you drive me to make that, if possible (and it has sense)
and easy for a simply User like me, please? Thanks!<br>