[Cin] Very slow opening of one specific mp4 file

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 04:59:12 CEST 2019


Just an update -- gg has been working on the bandicam...mp4 file problem
but no solution yet.  Maybe looks like a communication error with ffmpeg
and cinelerra.  I tested with older versions, the furthest back was April
12, 2017 to ensure it was not a new bug and it failed there also.  It is a
"seek" error and you can see that the ffmpeg "ffplay" program also hangs on
this file when doing a seek -- just start ffplay, let it play a little, and
then use the "right arrow" key to seek and it will hang.

Just re-compiled Cin-GG latest, and apparently new filter from ffmpeg 4.2
> (I compiled with ffmpeg.git again)
> was causing segfaults, so I commented it out in
> /usr/share/cin/ffmpeg/plugin.opts:  #freezedetect
> Actually, I also commented out derain filter, because it need some other
> (neural net model?) file I don't have.
> ffmpeg 4.2 also was released:
> http://ffmpeg.org/

Thanks for the notify -- gg will update Cinelerra to start using 4.2 and
update plugin.opts -- he did not think it would be available until November
or he would not have bothered putting in 4.1.4 already.

Yeah! --  "AV1 decoding support through libdav1d" -- he has been patiently
waiting for this as the AOM version currently in as you let us know, is
really bad.  And one of the distros he does monthly builds on will not even
build with it in.
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