[Cin] MantisBT

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 17 15:27:37 CEST 2019


> your session expired while you were still
writing your reply. This has also happened to me once or twice. As soon
> as you send the reply, you will receive confirmation that it has been
> saved. If you don't get this confirmation, then the reply wasn't saved
> either.
> This happens to me a lot -- I start a reply, then get interrupted, come
back later and finish the reply, and then Submit it and it comes back with
an error so I lose it (both literally and figuratively!).  I have learned
to just copy the reply to my paste buffer right before Submitting it so I
do not have to type it in again.

Obviously, the thing to do is to not get interrupted or be too slow but for
me, that is never going to happen.
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