[Cin] Latest GIT checkin includes FFmpeg upgrade + Masking

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 28 00:23:01 CEST 2019


Hm, strange - both in cinelerra-goodguy-20190808 and
> cinelerra-goodguy-20190827 I can't see Mask's work, if I just add
> pre-defined shape and play with 'fade' shader. (tried various values
> between -100 and 100)
> I tried to add effect (color invesion, brightness ..) but they apply to
> full track anyway.... Setting track's mixing mode at bay also changes
> nothing
> I also tried X11 and X11-OpenGL output, and 'disable OpenGL' checkbox in
> mask control window... Project settings were defaults
> (as  after loading single video file), but changing project's ColorFormat
> from RGBA to RGBA-float, or YUVA changed nothing ...

None of the above is explainable.  We do not know how to diagnose the
problems you see.  Not to be insulting, but did you add an empty video
track below the main video track and add the Gradient plugin to that
track?  That makes it so you can see the mask area.  So if you look at the
following demo, can you point out where your masking might be going wrong?

> It seems online manual a bit outdated in this regard (masking), and giant
> issue about Masking improvements on bugtracker also disappeared?

Yes, the current manual Masking is totally wrong and Andrea has
incorporated the new stuff into the Latex version which is not yet
available.  The below has the new Masking documentation temporarily:


The Bugtracker is still there as issue #2, but it is Closed so that is why
you might not see it. You probably have "Hide Status" set to "Closed".  But
at the top right hand corner of the Bugtracker, you can type in the number
"2" for the issue to see it all.
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