Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 20:53:15 CET 2019

This morning GG had time to look at this.  (BTW, he is not much for reading
or writing email so I have to let him know and then type in his response,
so sometimes I do not get it all conveyed correctly).

When I initially read only a few of the 86 pages, I searched for some
download MLV examples and downloaded a couple from one place and then 1
from where Andrew mentioned.  Apparently ffmpeg can load them into
cinelerra and the Video compression in Info is rawvideo, but of course they
look awful as is (maybe a proper LUT would solve this?).

We also checked to see if "dcraw" of Dave Coffin handles this raw format as
that is his area of expertise and saw no reference on his web site
concerning Magic Lantern.  But we still tried using Cinelerra's probe order
in Settings to see whether his included program handled it.  It did not.

Bottom line is that if there is ever a user who really needs to be able to
handle MLV files in cinelerra, gg could see about doing that and will keep
this in mind.   gg/Phyllis
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