[Cin] Easy Way To Visualize An Audio Track

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 22:45:38 CET 2019


> I'm wondering if there is an easy way I can use an effect or similar
> function to display the waveform of an audio track in the compositor
> output (and final render).
GG has not come up with anything but has checked into the reason for the
inability to load the ffmpeg plugins that work from its command line.  As
is, it will not work (see Andrew's email reply or look below).  He also
attempted to get this working with a pre-load OPTS file but found that to
be totally impractical -- it required manual intervention in the debugger
to set up certain variables.

If you want to do this kind of thing frequently, you could possibly set up
a "shell command" within Cinelerra.  The Shell Command function is the
DOS-like icon in the Main window, upper right hand corner above the FF
icon.  There is a usage description there too and it is documented in
Features5.pdf.  But it is probably more work than simply using ffmpeg


> Aren't those plugins somewhat special? In sense they _consume_ audio data
> (and
> thus their input  must be attached to audio track) yet they _produce_
> video
> (image) data, so their output must be connected (somehow) to video track?
You are right.  GG tracked down the Input/Output error coming from ffmpeg.
Like you said, the code checks for just audio or just video.
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