[Cin] Ripple, Rolling, Slip tools in the new version

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 00:28:20 CET 2019

IgorB:  the below has been fixed in the latest GIT checkin.  GG is doing a
build now but having a problem.  Please look for an updated ubuntu16 in the
usual place tomorrow morning (I think he will have it ready).

In Ripple tool, using the left drag handle on the left side of the edit
> and dragging left or right, the cursor position stay in place after
> drop. Would it be possible to move the cursor position on the left edge
> of that edit when I drop?

Also, about yesterday's email.  I am still looking at the below.  It seems
it can go either way.  But it is sort of controversial here and my ears are
burning from the controversy.  Will see what can be done.  gg/Phyllis

A little thing. I don't know if it is right or not: the edge/s of the
> plugin (effect) not follow the edit, in some cases, with the three tools
> Ripple-Roll-Slip
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