[Cin] Ripple, Rolling, Slip tools in the new version

Pierre autourduglobe p.autourduglobe at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 14:55:22 CET 2019

I also consider that the edge/s should follow the edit.

Hoping not to have contributed to anyone's ringing in their ears....


On 19-02-23 05 h 04, Igor BEGHETTO wrote:
> Thank you so much for the build, Phyllis and GG (first the lady and then 
> the gentleman). ;-)
> The "cursor position" it's perfect, thanks. With this change, I think 
> also other users can be more comfortable so.
> Phyllis, I am so sorry for your ears and the controversy about"the 
> edge/s of the plugin (effect) not follow the edit, in some cases".
> My personal opinion is that the edge/s should follow the edit. Maybe, if 
> other users want to say something about, it would be better. I would 
> like to know their impressions.
> Thanks.
> IgorBeg

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