[Cin] Font Anti-Aliasing With The Title Effect

Sam cinelerra at posteo.de
Thu Feb 28 01:41:26 CET 2019

In the compositor, it does indeed always look a bit pixelated. It looks 
much better if you have rendered your video.

I have to agree with you on the second point. It would be a good 
enhancement if it were technically feasible.


On 28.02.19 01:30, ben at innovationplex.com wrote:
> Maybe it's just me, but the title effect seems to have rather 
> pixelated text and drop shadow, even with normally smooth font 
> families such as Noto. I suspect this is because of the way the text 
> is rendered, but I could be wrong.
> As a side note, I'd also like to mention that drop shadows look 
> significantly better when some blur (or feathering) is applied to 
> them, but we cannot do this in cin as of yet.
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