[Cin] Cinx - 10-bit h264 and/or h265

Terje J Hanssen terje at nordland-teknikk.no
Wed Jan 2 12:29:53 CET 2019

Though I guess a RFE  documentation page would be of beneficial, I will add at the same time here:

Maybe this is a possibility to create a more integrated Help-system for Cinelerra-GG Infinity?

I.e a "Help" menu with

- link to the online manual
- context sensitive Help?
- the "About" button


Den 02.01.2019 09:19, skrev terje:
Hi Phyllis,

As I'm somewhat unsure (confused) here, my question is still:
Is Cinelerra10bit (Cinx) based on 10-bit x264 or 10-bit x265?

A single, updated manual for "Cinelerra-GG Infinity" sounds to be to the 'right time', and yes, I will report typos/faults/RFEs on areas I see the demand for more detailed explanations or procedures.

In general a 'single manual' needs to fill the demand for a combined "Users Guide" beside a "Reference or Feature Guide", maybe also as a online html and pdf print. And especially the new "gui ease of use" with the new "Cinfinity plugins icon set" compared with the original default icons or KB shortcuts as a reference.

Related to my topic and for simpler expressions search, I would suggest standardizing where possible, i.e "10-bit" everywhere an no "10bit" or "10 bit". Should this possibly also affect the package name "Cinelerra10bit" accordingly?


ee the demand to be for.

Den 02.01.2019 01:23, skrev Phyllis Smith:
Hi, Terje,

I am in the process of trying to create a single manual so any errors you find with cin/cinx, just point them out so I can fix them.

My attempt at creating a "tutorial" has turned out to be a complete failure! I found that I could write the words OK but the recording execution of the operations inside cinelerra was very jagged and I ended up starting over again 20 times.  With very little success ever likely to occur this century, I abandoned the effort.

Thanks for your input, gg/Phyllis

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