[Cin] [SemiOT] CUDA

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 27 03:09:32 CEST 2019

Another fix was checked in for Cinelerra into GIT which was a patch to
ffmpeg.  We will probably contact ffmpeg to see if they can put it in the
code base.  gg/Phyllis

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 12:55 PM Andrea paz <gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com>

> Thanks, with the latest release I have compiled CinGG with Cuda
> without any problems.
> I've loaded a three-media project:
> 1- h264 .mp4
> 2- h264 .mp4
> (made with the same smartphone within seconds of each other)
> 3- h264 .3gp
> (same codec as 1 and 2 but different container, I used another smartphone)
> 1 and 3 give error and are not displayed in timeline.
> 2 don't give mistake and is displayed normally. Strange, since it is
> exactly equal to 1.
> Error is:
> Failed to get HW surface format.
> Failed to get HW surface format.
> Failed to get HW surface format.
> Failed to get HW surface format.
> Failed to get HW surface format.
> Failed to get HW surface format.
> Failed to get HW surface format.
> Failed to get HW surface format.
> FFStream::decode: avcodec_send_packet failed.
> file:/home/paz/video_editing/cinelerra/cc-15d/volto.3gp
>   err: Invalid data found when processing input
> FFStream::decode: failed
> Repeated several times (loading attempts?)
> --
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