[Cin] Playback Slows Down Immensly Durring Transitions

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 02:17:22 CET 2019

Andrea, I think I might have confused the problem when your computer was
acting strangely or when you reported the mkv slowness.  Anyway, from the
information you provided and the dropbox transition.mp4, it looks like
transitions are working as expected with your normal installation.  Thanks
for checking, gg/pys

With my normal installation I have the following results:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/h8p4tyvx2snwiyi/transition.mp4?dl=0
> I summarize the results:
> mp4 --> wipe --> png --> dissolve --> 3gp/cut/3gp --> slide --> mp4
>  30      29       29      21 (png?)    30  28  30       29       30 Fps
> I can tell I don't have any particular problems.
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