[Cin] Backup up your EDL when use latest build

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 17:39:07 CET 2019


I write other things here because they are not bug but about aesthetic. Let
> me know if I am wrong to write here and it is better I write in Mantis-Bt,
> please.
This is a good place to put this.  GG will get things lined up again so
please let us know what else we miss.  I think I mentioned earlier that
there was an error in sizing of the main window with pulldowns and he had
to get it fixed once and for all.  Thanks, gg/Phyllis

> 1) "Overlay mode" button in Patchbay: the down arrow has been moved over
> the icon.
> 2) "Shell cmds" button in Main window is no longer aligned to "FF" icon.
> (see screenshot added)
> 3) The texts on the top of the "Preset Edit" window are moved when the
> window is resized.
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