[Cin] Blu-ray encoding again

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 15 00:40:35 CET 2019


File I used for test was named 1080p25.ts and I found it ...
> http://www.w6rz.net/1080p25.zip here

Thanks for this test file.  I have been testing the bluray.m2ts that you
provided off and on all day.  Everything seems to work just fine on our
bluray burner and when played on the bluray player connected to the TV.
The fake-interlaced=1 parameter was quite intriguing so at least once, I
was able to get a failure with the provided media when I left out this fake
parameter.  So I guess it really does what it says it does!  So this opts
file will get checked in with, as always, a few gg tweaks.  Thanks,
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