[Cin] Shape Wipe Transitions and GIT checkin

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 6 18:14:42 CEST 2019

Thanks for the followup email.  GG had looked at the dump and log and then
fired up an Arch with Nvidia to find a problem, but of course, it worked.
That is OK though as it reaffirmed correctness for us and he is thinking
about creating an environment variable to print out the ffmpeg filters.  At
some point in time, this may be handy for you to know.  In the routine,
pluginfclient.C, there is a print line that is commented out with the 2
slashes - "//printf("%s\n",filter->name);".  If you remove the //, and do a
build then each of the ffmpeg filters will print out in the terminal window.


> Question: is Feather like Anti-aliasing when the position's slider is to
> the left edge? It seems a bit different.
It is a bit different. Anti-aliasing was originally a classical 3 pixel
blend on each side of the center line.  Now the feathering involves all
pixels over the feather range.

> So I have done two quickly photomontage,

GG will look at these and I will see whether he will do the Mask like one.
I think that that is a good format as menus are redone.
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