[Cin] Shape Wipe Transitions and GIT checkin

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 7 01:59:14 CEST 2019

Thanks for the photomontage.  That makes it real easy for GG to implement.
He added the textbox and clear button and used your suggested "mask-like"

> When there is a slider, I think would be fine to have a textbox and its
> Clear button to clear the slider. So I have done two quickly
> photomontage, a simply and another inhereited by Mask tool.
A Ubuntu16 build is at:


Off topic.  Andrea's suggestion for changing the Projector and Camera menus
to be mask-like also is a good idea.  I am not sure if there are BT issues
related to Projector/Camera but it would probably be best to do that at the
same time as other work on these 2 as that is easier for GG in case the
layout has any new features.  Again, at that time if someone provides a
layout, then GG will implement it as he does not like to design it
himself.  gg/Phyllis
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