[Cin] Latex and Manual

Спицын Андрей spitsyn.andrey at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 17:10:55 CET 2019

>If I put caption and labels to the tables I get an error that I do not
>understand and I do not compile the pdf.

Indeed, it's very strange error, because syntax is correct.
I'm think that the source of error is an old information in auxiliary files.
Try to delete all auxiliary and temporary files.
In Texstudio menu Tools> Clean Auxiliary files

Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 03:55:03PM +0100, Andrea paz написал:
>Added chapter 15 with large shortcut tables.
>If I put caption and labels to the tables I get an error that I do not
>understand and I do not compile the pdf.
>If you have any suggestions for improving the tables please let me know.
>For a preview of the pdf:
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