[Cin] August new builds are available

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 6 04:16:29 CEST 2019

The August builds with the upgrade of FFmpeg to 4.2 have a vaapi problem
because how vaapi worked was changed.  Vaapi is the graphics hardware
accelerator.  There are a whole bunch of codecs (let's say 350 for a number
I just made up) that all work the same way as did vaapi prior to 4.2.  Now,
vaapi has been placed in the "specialized" category and does not work the
same way as the majority of the other codecs.

A mod has been checked into GIT to rework how Cinelerra uses vaapi.  If
anyone needs this fix and does not do their own builds, we can build a
specific distro for this purpose.  Phyllis/GG
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