[Cin] Nested clip and proxy

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Sun Sep 15 12:17:47 CEST 2019

*- For a regular clip**.*
> if you proxy your session, the clip does not get proxied at all
Okay. You don't see that clip in Proxy Folder but if you drag&drop that 
clip from Clip Folder to the Viewer or to Timeline, it will use its own 

*- For a clip that is created and then nested**.*
> it does not actually proxy the clip.  It proxied the nested EDL which 
> was created from the clip when you did the nesting which ended up in 
> the Media folder.
Yes, you are right and you explained it very well.

> BUT if you try to drag the nested EDL from the Proxy folder, you can 
> not put it on the timeline or in the Viewer to play
Again, you are right, but you can do that from Clip Folder and, there, 
if you have proxied, then Cinelerrea will use proxy files.

The clips in Clip Folder use proxy files if Proxy feature is enabled. I 
don't know how it works inside Cinelerrra program but, luckily for me, 
it works and I always use it.

> Proxies are only created in the Proxy folder as far as we can tell 
> with the "proxy" as part of the name.
I try  to explain better.
Usually proxy files of the media (videos, images) are created in the 
path (folder) where the media are.
But the proxy files of the Nested Clips are created in Cinelerra program 
path (folder).

> the nesting section of the manual seems to me to be unclear and
> incomplete.
For me the Nested section in the manual is explained well and may be it 
needs to add something. However I always must find a workaround to use 
Proxy and may be that, with my e-mail/screencasts, I confuse all of you. 

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