[Cin] Nested clip and proxy

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 06:03:03 CEST 2019


I wonder if we should include them in the manual.
> For these examples and for the changes proposed in the other message
> (sequences in a master project), I await the opinion of Phyllis.
> Here is the addition Nesting examples for the Nesting section BUT I have
yet to understand IgorB's feedback on proxy with nesting that I would like
to include also.  So I will have to work on that tomorrow and then I will
provide the .odt/.pdf files instead.

*Usage Examples of Nested Clips*

Example 1: You want to make a flashback/rewind at the end of your video
that represents a quick summary of the entire video in black and white. On
the timeline, you have 60 seconds of edits with clips, cuts, zoom in, zoom
out and any other edits. Now you want to get this 60 seconds "compressed"
to 10 seconds, play in reverse, and in black and white at the end of your

You would copy the 60 seconds in a clip, nest the clip in the Clip folder
of the Resources window and drag it to the timeline. You will see only a
clean clip without all of the edits that were used to create it because
nesting performs a render without having to actually use the Render menu.
Now you can add a Reverse effect, Color3way plugin for black and white, and
use the Speed auto to get the 60 seconds down to only 10 seconds.

Example 2: You are working on a complex project with a team in a separate
location. You create some sub projects, i.e. sequences, that you or the
team will use in the Master project to merge the sequences in the right
order and to make the final color correction steps.

In each of the examples you can see the benefit of nesting to create clean
looking timelines because of the automatic rendering capability of nesting.
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