[Cin] How do I crop a picture-in-picture?

Sam cinelerra at posteo.de
Sat Apr 18 20:49:59 CEST 2020

I would appreciate it if you would like to add videos to our official 
channel, regardless of your own channel, in case there is a video left. 
If people still prefer to fill their own channel with Cinelerra-GG 
videos, it's up to them. This offer is a voluntary option that we want 
to offer you.

It's just important to me that it has a minimum of quality. That means a 
nice intro with the Cinfinity logo and nice background music. I want to 
give the new user a visual aesthetic enjoyment. As a designer I probably 
pay more attention to such things automatically.

If you want to participate, you'll get an invitation from me and can 
then upload these videos directly to the official Cinelerra-GG YouTube 
channel. The only important thing is that no rights are violated on 
video and audio material, then it should be no problem. If videos are 
uploaded, then only under a free license, because we are not a 
commercial enterprise, but a free open source community. If you would 
like to fill the channel, you are welcome to do so and of course you can 
also immortalize yourself as an author in the videos.

Please let us know who is interested in co-managing this channel. Best 
would be two volunteers, so that we always have a reserve in case 
someone has other obligations. It would also be helpful if these 
volunteers could answer to some comments from time to time. I would then 
officially name these new co-responsibles for the YouTube channel on our 
supporters page, if it's okay for them. However, everyone can contribute 
and provide videos.

Thanks for your support.


Am 18.04.20 um 13:03 schrieb Andrea paz:
> There would already be a Youtube channel of CinGG; that's the one 
> where Sam uploaded his beautiful Intro.
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