[Cin] Timeline performance

david brometeo at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 20:47:10 CEST 2020

El viernes 24 de abril, Phyllis Smith escribió:
> Any further specific information you can provide may help us solve a
> problem so we appreciate it.  Phyllis/gg

Hi, Phyllis.

Sorry for my lazy message. I use Debian Testing. When I write about slowness is
because it is very slow. When I click on a video piece it can go 1 second until
it is red coloured indicating it is selected. If I move the piece in timeline,
trying to join to another piece, for example, movement is very sluggish and
clunky. Perhaps I can record a video from my desktop for your evaluation.

Thank you and don't worry for now. I see it is very important I am much more
precise about this issue :D


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