[Cin] Bump Autos + other checked into GIT

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Thu Aug 27 13:49:31 CEST 2020

Thanks RafaMar!
Adobe Premiere and Vegas are great NLE. I used Premiere before 
Lightworks and CinelerraGG. Premiere is really good and you can use it 
without reading a Manual. It is very intuitive, for me.

Thanks Andrea for your info about OpticalFlow!
A few of weeks ago I tried OpenCV_FlowObj and Interpolate_Video plugins 
for my goal (to make SlowMotion with source video at 24-30fps). May be I 
used them in a wrong way or I am not able to use them correctly, or 
these plugins work for another target. However, by my tests, I was 
unable to achieve any (good) results. So, after two days, I found two my 
workflows that are good for me:
- with the "minterpolate" filter of ffmpeg by shell (very good);
- inside CinelerraGG wth Reframe-RT (speed=25%) and F_tmix (frames=4, if 
I remember), and Nested the clip.
The output seems good to me.

If you have any other information about it, I will be happy to hear. Thanks!

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