[Cin] [spam?] Re: Bump Autos + other checked into GIT

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Fri Aug 28 10:25:07 CEST 2020

Thanks Georgy! I tried SlowmoVideo (AppImage) but my computer hung and 
did not create the final video.
It worked better with the option Size=small in "Rendering Settings" and 
I joined the small PNGs with ffmpeg to create the mp4 video (slowmovideo 
created an unusable video). Excellent result was achieved with small 
PNGs, but with the source size (1280x720) I had no luck. And, 
unfortunately, the time for render at source size is too long on my 
Notebook. May be I wrong something. I will try again.
With FFmpeg and "minterpolate" filter my computer takes relatvely little 
If you can, you can show your slowmotion video? Thank you!

Thank you for your time to insert and test F_minterpolate inside 


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