[Cin] Bump Autos + other checked into GIT

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 19:03:53 CEST 2020

Sorry for a late reply but there is now a static tar test build for Mint
19.3 at:


> But using my test with Speed=2 the edits on the right are shrunk.
We see the error and GG has reproduced it but has not been able to discern
the problem to fix it.  It is strange but hopefully more debugging will
lead to a solution.


> 1- what happens if there are keyframes within the bump interval? It
> seems to me that they become bump keyframes too, so the interval
> designed by us is reduced to several intervals between close autos.
That is correct.

> 2- When you set the right edge keyframe (edge and span), you also
> change the left edge keyframe. And vice versa. In my opinion it would
> be better to make them independent
Turn off *span* and you should be able to do that (I have not had a chance
to test myself).

> 3- The autos handlers give boredom, confuse the curve if there are
> other keyframes and are unusable to make changes to the autos (which
> can only be done with sliders). Is it possible to delete them or at
> least not see them?

I agree and am still trying to convince GG to turn them off as they just
confuse me.
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