[Cin] Index on manual in Latex (to Andrey)

Andrea paz gamberucci.andrea at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 13:56:25 CET 2020

Hi, Andrey.
Phyllis put an Index to the CinGG manual in Latex (see git). But I
can't get it to work in TexStudio. I put the following line in
Configure --> Commands --> Makeindex:

makeindex  -s nomencl.ist -o CinelerraGG_Manual.nls CinelerraGG_Manual.nlo

but if I try to build it via Tools --> Commands --> MakeIndex

I get the following error:

"Process started: makeindex  -s nomencl.ist -o CinelerraGG_Manual.nls

Input index file CinelerraGG_Manual.nlo not found. Usage: makeindex
[-ilqrcgLT] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...]

Process exited with error(s)"

Actually the CinelerraGG_Manual.nlo file exists, but it is the one
created for the glossary and in fact contains the glossary entries.
Can you suggest a solution?

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