[Cin] [spam?] Index on manual in Latex (to Andrey)

Андрей Спицын spitsyn.andrey at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 20:55:16 CET 2020

Hi Andrea and others!

Right now I'm using Vim with vimtex plugin, so I leave glossary generation to latexmk 
script. And it seems that new version of TexStudio overwrites my old
So I'll quote one of my previous emails:

>In my TeXstudio setup I use separate >command for glossary creation.
>To do so, go to Options-> Configure >TeXstudio -> Commands.
>Change Makeindex command to:
>makeindex %.nlo  -s nomencl.ist -o %.nls
>Click Ok and go to Tools -> Commands -> >Makeindex.

Here the latexmk config for glossary:

# Custom dependency and function for nomencl package 
add_cus_dep( 'nlo', 'nls', 0, 'makenlo2nls' );
sub makenlo2nls {
system( "makeindex -s nomencl.ist -o \"$_[0].nls\" \"$_[0].nlo\"" );

I've compiled the last version from git and glossary works as expected.

P.S. The new version of Cinelera's manual is really eye candy!
You are done a very good job to create it.

P.P.S The first page uses a raster image with relative low resolution, I
think it should be changed into vector one.

Best regards,
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