[Cin] New September builds are ready

Igor BEGHETTO igorbeg at visi1.org
Fri Oct 2 09:46:08 CEST 2020

Thanks thanks thanks, for restored the old "Move tracks up/down" feature.
And thanks for the consistency between Histogram Plugin and Histogram 
For me, the new Cin_20200930 will be my "stable" release. Before I am 
using the Cin_20200531 release.

Thank you so much.


Il 01/10/2020 00:33, Phyllis Smith via Cin ha scritto:
> Below are the latest release notes.
> *Cinelerra-GG (Version Infinity)  Release Notes for 
> 09/01/2020-09/30/2020 for builds*
> The Bug tracker has reached number *500 in tickets *consisting of bugs 
> and requests.
> *Improvements to the Manual *are ongoing with Andrea creating an 
> Advanced Editing chapter and MatN very detailed review.  Meanwhile, 
> Andrew has been *stress testing* the code.
> 1. *Motion plugin* major improvements contributed by Georgy (SGE BT 
> #509) and with his updated
>       documentation added to the Manual.
> 2. *MotionCV and MotionHV* will no longer get built (but code still 
> there).  With Georgy’s better
>          Motion plugin, it is preferable to not confuse the situation 
> with multiple choices that might have
>          issues anyway.
> 3.  Because currently existing downloadable 4K webm files when loaded 
> into Cinelerra were no longer
>         seekable, we backed down the *dav1d* library from 7.1 to 5.1.  
> Unfortunately it took some time to
>         discover this as it is not a widely used format in CinGG.
> 4. *Usability Improvements:*
> *Transitions* are now playing much faster as using Cache has been 
> added as a default.  You might see
>        a slight hesitation at the beginning of a transition when 
> memory is being loaded then quite often it
>        will play at full speed (Houku BT #495).  There is a 
> Settings→Preference for this called “Cache
>        Transitions” and it is enabled by default.  This may be 
> eliminated in the future if there are no
>        problems with the caching because everyone will want this speed up.
> *Drag Transitions* is available to increase/decrease the length and 
> works similar to dragging a
>        plugin (Houku BT #495).
>     Reverse playback now also uses Cache so that it is faster (Andrew 
> note of slow reverse play).
>     14 revised or new FFmpeg formats for rendering have been generated 
> & checked (Andrew).
>     Russian translations in ru.po updated by Andrew.
>     Spanish translations in es.po updated once again by RafaMar.
>     The Aspect height has been increased in size from 10000 to 32767 
> (related to Shipman BT# 505).
>     Menu and tooltip for Undo reads “z or Ctrl-z” now to make it clear 
> as recommended in email.
>     Improved SUV patchbay and expand pngs provided by IgorBeg.
> *Histogram plugin* modifications include:
>       - capability to calculate a multiple frame average (a user 
> request driven by need)
>       - slider bar Linear to Log with 50% being the default; 
> originally was Log
>       - the “average” is now used for each bin / values
>       - code cleanup for better readability
> 5. *Bugs/Issues fixed:*
>     Fixed “Clear Keyframes” which in some cases did not delete the 
> right keyframes (IgorB, Andrea,
>        RafaMar BT #501) and create the correct intervals.
>     Tweak keyframe popup speed undo.
>     Added id-s for keyframes and labels (similar to what had been done 
> for plugins awhile back).
>     Fix background rendering to have a “in process” state before 
> actually complete (Andrew BT #497).
>     Edge gui fix in the Automation code.    Dual Monitor mode fix 
> (MatN BT# 502).
>     Layout Viewer screen was raised when others weren’t, changed to be 
> the same (MatN review notes).
>     Fixed Settings→Preferences, Appearance tab problem with line 
> through Flags/Warnings (IgorBeg).
>     Fixed cache aging bug and some cache lock tweaks.
>     Modified to push Preferences changes all the way to the render 
> engine; they were not getting there
>       before in some cases.
>     General code cleanup; for example moved code of location where the 
> background color was set.
>     Fixed problem if run out of memory where Cin exits instead of 
> crashes (Andrew-R email report).
>     32-bit shared memory fix (Andrew email with dump).
>     Undo hide plugin fix (Andrew reported).
>     Fixed a problem that occurred if performing a delete while the 
> Render Engine is running.
>     Booby fix if running Preferences at the same time as the FFmpeg 
> button first/last is being pressed.
>     Alpha is being set to 1 for background color always now – just a 
> missing thing.
>     Modified Render Farm to turn off “linger” and Render Farm usage 
> will no longer send messages it
>        does not know how to handle.
>     Corrected SEGV discovery on load  project when in Create Resources 
> Only mode (Pierre BT #510)
>        which was a result of using the wrong copy.
>     Original Move tracks up/down along with its shortcut is now back.  
> Roll tracks up/down has its own
>        new shortcut along with its own distinct functionality.

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