[Cin] Can 'play track' status propagate to ganged tracks?

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 03:27:11 CEST 2020

Andrea, IgorBeg: about the following:

> The question is SHOULD the patchbay work in a "gang mode"?
> It could be useful in GangChannels mode; for example for Multi Camera
> editing where we have disable the "Play track" for each of Mixer Viewers.
> Some changes have been made to the Gang Mode code.

*Gang mode* changes include:

1) Gang flags in the patchbay specifically when in Gang Channels or Gang
Media modes will operate as set in the Master Track. For example, if when
in Gang Channels mode, you turn off “Play track” on the visible audio
track, none of the associated channels (i.e. the other stereo or other 5
channels will play). And if in Gang Media mode, if you turn on “Play track”
for the Master Track that is video, all associated video and audio tracks
will play; which means that even if you turned off “Play track for all of
the associated audio/video slave tracks, they will still play.

2) A bug was found while working on Gang Modes where the Master Track was
set incorrectly.

3) The gang flag was originally stored in the EDL session but is now moved
in order to maintain correct rendering. This means that for any existing
project, the gang mode will be set to 1 initially but then when resaved in
the user preference mode, will be right the next time loaded.
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