[Cin] Single-frame step fwd/bak in viewer delayed?

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 03:29:42 CEST 2020

OK, GG says "mkv does not seek well" and that is a known problem with mkv
with no solution.  If you use Settings->Transcode to transcode to mp4 then
the video works just fine.  I tested that.

On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 4:38 PM Phyllis Smith <phylsmith2017 at gmail.com>

> Andrew,
> I discovered that at least on highly-compressed mkv file ("Swimming with
>> orca in New Zealand-JQ3mDXF3bcE.mkv") setting position cursor (in viewer
>> window) at random place with mouse and then trying to use frame
>> forward/frame backward buttons doesn't work: I need to click many times
>> until it finally (after hitting codec keyframe?) started to advance. I
>> tried to set cache to 1 Mb - from 250 or 768Mb - bug was still around.
> I do not know if this is a bug -- I think it is really in the video.  If
> you put your cursor randomly in the video anywhere around 02:10:00 to
> 02:11:xx where it is easy to see the swimmer, and then use frame reverse
> or forward, you can see the frame move easily.
>> Problem is - this is not just visual bug - rendered file also has this
>> pause (I was surprized)
>> Cinelerra Infinity - built: Sep 14 2020 05:20:48 - hopefully latest git.
>> Anyone can confirm/deny?
> So I can confirm what you see in other parts of the video though so I will
> have to ask GG for an explanation.
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