[Cin] Current (10 sep 2020) pdf manual has some pictures displaced?

Спицын Андрей spitsyn.andrey at gmail.com
Sun Sep 20 10:42:54 CEST 2020

Hi Andrea and Andrew! 
I think that it's OK if fig. 10.8 and 16.2 placed on next page relative
their reference. 
There is Russian standard for research reports (GOST 7.32-2017) that
says (p. 6.5.1) that figures should be placed after it's reference on
same page or (if no space left) on next page.  So I think it's ok.
As far as I can understand the typography rules that empty space on page
must be filled by text or figures. LaTeX tries it's best to follow this

Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 09:38:13PM +0200, Andrea paz via Cin написал:
>The problem is when there is no physical space on the page to hold the
>image (in the position we indicated); so it happens especially with
>large images -smaller images can often be fixed. The choice is whether
>to leave a blank space in a page with the image moving to the
>beginning of the next page (where it is located), but always within
>the same section, as Andrew prefers; or to let Latex fill the blank
>space with the next section and put the image at the beginning of the
>next page. I've let Latex do it so far, but if others prefer Andrew's
>idea, it's not difficult to fix it. What do you think? Andrey, what do
>you think?
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