[Cin] Contents of yesterday's GIT checkin

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 04:00:03 CEST 2020

Sorry for the big delay -- usually I let you know what was checked into GIT
that same day.

Because currently existing downloadable 4K webm files when loaded into
Cinelerra were no longer seekable, we backed down the dav1d library from
7.1 to 5.1. Unfortunately it took some time to discover this as it is not a
widely used format in CinGG.  I also had trouble with "ffplay" of the one I

Alpha is being set to 1 for background color always now – just a missing

Render Farm hang fixes that were a consequence of a previous change a
couple of weeks ago and was missed.

Render Farm “linger” is turned off and Render Farm usage will no longer
send messages it does not know how to handle.

Pierre’s SEGV discovery on load project when in Create Resources Only mode
BT #510 which was a result of using the wrong copy is now fixed.

Moved code of location where the background color was set -- just code

Minor ru.po Russian translation provided by Andrew.

Fixed new Slider Bar resize problem I found in Histogram plugin.

MotionCV and MotionHV will no longer get built (but code still there). Too
confusing for users and have some issues with anyway.

Added 1 new and 1 modified ffmpeg formats as provided by Andrew (flv_h264
and ffv1.avi).
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