[Cin] Please GG

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 03:23:42 CEST 2020

Changes were made just now and hopefully after a little more testing, GG
can check these in before tomorrow's build (I hope).  They include:
- Shift-up and Shift-down will be back as the shortcuts for Move tracks up
/ Move tracks down.
- Original Move tracks up / Move tracks down in the Tracks pulldown have
been restored to their original position and name.
- Roll tracks up / Roll tracks down is the ones that you find no use for *but
we do* and want them and we use these exclusively and have never used the
others.  The problem for us is a result of Video pulldown option "Add
track" which puts the video track at the top -- too weird, especially since
Audio pulldown option of "Add track" adds it at the bottom.  This is to us
odd behavior and we do not like it but can not change it.  As a result that
is why GG looked at the actual code and created his version of "Move tracks
up/down" because the original in the code was designated as "swap" all over
the code so to us that was much more intuitive to have that name.
Ctrl-Shift-Up and Ctrl-Shift-Down are the shortcuts for Roll up/down that
GG and I will now have to use instead to get what makes sense for our usage
- Order changed slightly in RMB on a track but original Move tracks up/down
does what it used to so that is probably what you want.

On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 3:48 AM Igor BEGHETTO via Cin <
cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:

> Please,
> could you (GG) assign the "Shift+Up" shortcut to the "Swap tracks up"
> item instead of the "Move tracks up" and
> the "Shift+Down" shortcut to the "Swap tracks down" item instead of the
> "Move tracks down"?
> Thank you!
> If it help, take a look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vruy2GRUsV8
> IgorBeg
> --
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> Cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org
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