[Cin] arm/termux patches update

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 22:41:11 CEST 2021

Andrea, I do not pretend to understand the 10/12 bit world, but about:

PS: I don't understand well the function of
> "compile_multibit_X265.txt". Even without patching it and moving it to
> .../src, the 10 and 12 bit x265 profiles appear anyway and work fine.
> (they also work without applying the 32-60-61-64 patch).
The default pixel value for h265-10bit and h265-12bit is yuv42*2p10le* and
yuv42*2p12le* respectively. There is a whole lot of discussion about 420
versus 422 (again, which I do not understand).  If you try to render with
these pixel values in the 8-bt version of CinGG you will get this error
message and immediate failure:
      [libx265 @ 0x7f2cd4efc1c0] Specified pixel format yuv422p12le is
invalid or not supported
However, in the multibit CinGG, they will work AND there is definite color
differences noticeable through out the whole video when I run ydiff on a
pixel format of yuv422p10le versus yuv420.
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