[Cin] 32 bit Debian 11 problems

Phyllis Smith phylsmith2017 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 3 19:41:44 CET 2021

If you tested these type files and it works, then it must be my Debian

On Fri, Dec 3, 2021 at 11:36 AM M Nieuwenhoven via Cin <
cin at lists.cinelerra-gg.org> wrote:

> On my Debian11-32 setup I got the sound now, no idea what cause the
> silence yesterday. So it seems I have a fully functional system.
> I have tested the AppImage on native hardware (AMD 2200G, 16 G RAM), and it
> seems to work fine. CinGG video interface X11, hardware video acceleration
> not available due to firmware problems with the AMD GPU driver. Screen
> 1280x1024. Started from terminal to see if any errors.
> Only git source was use, no patches.
> 1. /home/mat/Videos/big_buck_bunny_1080p_stereo.ogg, 1080p50 . Smooth
> forward _and_ backward (tested normal speed). Not too heavy CPU use.
> 2. Stream3_AV3_HD_6.3mbps.webm from Elencard. This is an AV1 coded movie,
> smooth forward, plays backward but sometimes stops shortly.  95% CPU.
> 3, Stream3_AV1_4K_13.9mbps.webm. Plays smoothly forward (4K AV1, and no
> hardware assist, I am impressed). 100% CPU. Backwards badly stuttering.
> 4. Passengers_Breakfast_4K.mkv This is an HDR movie. Cannot be played real
> time with this setup, but that is the same on my 2 x faster test machine.
> Sound and picture sync problems.
> 5. MP3 sound file, plays perfectly.
> I did not see any CinGG errors in the terminal, some ffmpes warnings. No
> crashes, rock stable.
> I'll do some more experimenting, but so far,works as planned.
> MatN
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