[Cin] [spam?] Re: old script - mkframelist

Georgy Salnikov sge at nmr.nioch.nsc.ru
Sat Dec 11 06:56:11 CET 2021

On Fri, 10 Dec 2021, Phyllis Smith via Cin wrote:

> What happens is that "fi" in the image sequence example as shown here:
> becomes a ligature, so that instead of 2 distinct characters of "f" and
> "i", it is squished together "fi".  You do not necessarily notice this

Phyllis, try to make


Perhaps this could make difference.

And f{i} and {f}i should work as well.

Georgy Salnikov
NMR Group
Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry
Lavrentjeva, 9, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
Phone   +7-383-3307864
Email   sge at nmr.nioch.nsc.ru

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