[Cin] old libavconv with David's patches for IGS (BD menu)

Andrew Randrianasulu randrianasulu at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 00:44:43 CET 2021

I was building this revision


on arm/termux it required --disable-asm but othervise worked.

I applied 4 patches I fished out of mailbox archive with plain cat | patch
- p1

patches attached.

procedure seems to be documented in patches themselves:

These changes add support for copying overlay streams.

So to extract IGS menu from m2ts file:
$ avconv -i source.m2ts -vn -an -sn output.mnu

To mux IGS menu with h264 video in ts:
$ avconv -i video.264 -i test.mnu -f mpegts out.ts

Still todo: update mpegts muxer to set correct PID so
output may be compatible to BDAV format.

Signed-off-by: David Girault <david at dhgirault.fr>
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